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Transform Your Life with Fitness: Health Benefits and Beginner Tips

Revamp Your Life through Fitness: Health Advantages and Starter Pointers

Transform Your Life with Fitness Health Benefits and Beginner Tips

Embracing a fitness lifestyle not only sharpens the mind and alleviates stress but is a cornerstone of physical health, with activities like la fitness routines and anytime fitness sessions leading the charge in transforming lives
regular physical activity is essential for maintaining cognitive function, reducing anxiety in adults, and enhancing thinking skills in children [1]. Moreover, it plays a pivotal role in weight management, suggesting 150 minutes of moderate activity per week to help maintain a healthy weight [1]
  • Additionally, engaging in regular exercise regimes—be it in a crunch fitness program, at a Goodlife fitness center, or through esporta fitness—can significantly lower the risk of chronic illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers [1][2].
  • Starting your journey towards better health and fitness can be manageable, with various holistic and lifetime fitness options that cater to every lifestyle. 
  • Whether one prefers a bustling fitness gym atmosphere or the personalized approach of health and fitness coaching, there's an abundance of choices to get involved in physical activities that boost both body and mind. 

This article will delve into understanding the myriad health benefits that regular exercise offers, from promoting strong muscles and bones to improving respiratory and cardiovascular health, all while maintaining a healthy weight [3]

It will serve as a comprehensive guide for beginners on how to kickstart their fitness journey, making informed choices about the right exercise, the pivotal role of nutrition, and strategies for overcoming common exercise challenges, ensuring a path towards a transformed and healthier life.

Understanding the Health Benefits of Regular Exercise

Regular exercise significantly enhances both physical and mental health, offering numerous benefits that contribute to a longer, healthier life. Here, we explore the profound impacts of maintaining an active lifestyle.

Physical Health Benefits

  1. Disease Prevention: Regular physical activity lowers the risk of several chronic diseases, including coronary heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer, such as breast and colon cancer [7][8][10].
  2. Weight Management: Engaging in physical activities helps in managing weight effectively by burning calories and increasing the metabolic rate [6].
  3. Bone and Muscle Health: Activities, especially weight-bearing exercises, strengthen bones and muscles, reducing the risk of osteoporosis, fractures, and falls in older adults [8][10].
  4. Longevity and Healthy Aging: Regular exercise reduces the risk of premature death by up to 30% and helps maintain functional independence in older adults [8][15].

Mental Health Benefits

  1. Cognitive Function: Exercise improves thinking, learning, and judgment skills, and it is particularly beneficial in children and the elderly, helping prevent cognitive decline with age [1][9].
  2. Emotional Well-being: Physical activity has been shown to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety, enhance mood, and boost overall emotional well-being [1][8][16].
  3. Stress Reduction: Engaging in regular physical activity helps regulate the release of endorphins, natural mood lifters, which reduce stress and enhance the sense of well-being [16].

Additional Health Benefits

  1. Improved Sleep and Energy Levels: Exercise can lead to better quality sleep and higher energy levels throughout the day [8][12].
  2. Enhanced Immune Function: A combination of regular physical activity and a balanced diet boosts the immune system, helping to fend off infections and diseases [13].

Guidelines for Regular Activity

  • Adult Physical Activity Levels: It is recommended that adults engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week, along with muscle-strengthening activities on two or more days per week [17].
  • Monitoring Progress: Assessments such as exercise tests and monitoring heart rate during and after physical activity can help gauge improvements in fitness and health [11].

Regular exercise not only improves physical and mental health but also enhances the overall quality of life, making it a crucial component of a healthy lifestyle. Engaging in regular physical activity, as per health guidelines, ensures that individuals can enjoy the broad spectrum of benefits associated with a fit and active life.

How to Kickstart Your Fitness Journey

Consultation and Initial Steps

Before embarking on a fitness journey, it's crucial to consult a healthcare professional to ensure the chosen exercise routine is suitable for your health condition [18]. Once cleared, begin by setting realistic and achievable goals. Starting small, such as aiming for a few workout sessions a week, can lead to sustainable habits [19][15].

Building a Routine

It's important to find an exercise form that you enjoy, which could be anything from yoga to cycling [19]. Consistency is key; hence, integrating exercise into your daily routine in a way that feels natural and manageable is essential [19]. Gradually increasing the intensity and duration of your workouts can help maintain interest and improve fitness levels over time [19][21].

Nutrition and Support

Proper nutrition plays a critical role in any fitness regime. Eating a balanced diet rich in lean proteins and vegetables helps sustain energy levels and aids in muscle recovery [15]. Additionally, building a support network, whether through fitness classes, friends, or family, can provide the encouragement needed to stay on track [15].

Overcoming Challenges

Addressing fears and concerns about starting a fitness journey is crucial. Many feel overwhelmed or fear judgment; recognizing these fears and setting personal comfort aside to explore new challenges is part of the process [20]. Emphasizing self-compassion and avoiding comparisons are vital steps in overcoming these barriers [20].

Long-Term Success

Making flexibility a priority allows for adjustments based on life’s demands, which helps in maintaining a long-term exercise regimen without feeling overwhelmed [20]. Celebrating small victories and focusing on gradual improvement can enhance the enjoyment and sustainability of the fitness journey [19][20].

Practical Tips for Daily Exercise

Incorporating simple activities like brisk walking or home workout videos can make regular exercise more accessible. Starting with shorter sessions and slowly building up to more intensive routines can prevent injuries and make the exercise more enjoyable [22]. Remember, the key is to stay consistent and patient, as fitness is a journey, not a destination [22].

By following these steps, you can kickstart your fitness journey effectively, ensuring it is enjoyable, sustainable, and tailored to your personal health needs and lifestyle preferences.

Finding the Right Exercise for You

To discover the optimal exercise that aligns with your preferences and lifestyle, it's essential to consider various factors that contribute to a fulfilling and sustainable fitness routine. Here’s a structured approach to help you find the right exercise for you:

Consider Your Preferences and Lifestyle

  1. Personal Interests: Reflect on activities you enjoy. Whether it's a sport you played in the past or one you've always wanted to try, consider your genuine interests [16].
  2. Social Preferences: Decide if you prefer solitary workouts or the dynamic of group exercises. Some find motivation in social settings like classes or sports teams [16].
  3. Environment: Do you thrive outdoors or prefer the controlled environment of a gym? Your environment plays a crucial role in how enjoyable your exercise will be [16].
  4. Routine Flexibility: Assess whether you prefer structured routines or more spontaneous physical activities. This can influence the type of exercise you might stick with [16].

Explore Various Exercise Forms

  • Aerobic Exercises: Activities such as walking, jogging, cycling, and aerobics are excellent for improving cardiovascular health [25].
  • Strength Training: Incorporating gym sessions can enhance muscular and bone health, crucial for overall physical wellness [25].
  • Flexibility and Balance: Engaging in yoga or Pilates can improve your flexibility and balance, reducing the risk of injuries [25].

Incorporate Exercise into Your Daily Routine

  1. Routine Integration: Find ways to include physical activity in your daily life, like walking during lunch breaks or cycling to work [23].
  2. Schedule Regular Sessions: Plan your exercise sessions as you would any important appointment. This helps in establishing a consistent routine [23].
  3. Vary Intensity and Type: To keep your routine interesting and reduce injury risks, vary your exercise type and intensity regularly [25].

Overcome Barriers to Exercise

  1. Start Small: If new to exercise or returning after a break, begin with less demanding activities and gradually increase the intensity [25].
  2. Manage Expectations: Avoid comparing yourself to others, especially those who are at a different point in their fitness journey [19].
  3. Seek Professional Advice: If you have health concerns, consult with a healthcare provider to tailor an exercise plan that suits your medical needs [25].

Stay Motivated and Engaged

  1. Set Achievable Goals: Use SMART criteria to set realistic goals that motivate you without causing frustration or burnout [23].
  2. Track Your Progress: Keeping a log of your activities can help you stay motivated and notice improvements over time [23].
  3. Join Communities: Participating in community fitness programs or online groups can offer support and motivation [25].

By considering these factors and gradually integrating physical activity into your lifestyle, you can find an exercise routine that not only improves your health but also brings joy and fulfillment to your daily life.

The Role of Nutrition in Fitness

Understanding the Foundations of Nutritional Fitness

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in achieving and maintaining peak physical fitness. It involves a comprehensive study of nutrients in food, their functions, and the relationship between diet, health, immunity, and disease [14]. The right balance of these nutrients is crucial for overall nutrition and good health [14].

Key Nutrients and Their Functions

  1. Proteins: Serve as the building blocks of body tissue and are crucial for muscle repair and growth. They are found in fish, poultry, milk, eggs, and beans [14].
  2. Carbohydrates: Provide the necessary energy for exercise and daily activities. Sources include pasta, whole-grain bread, and rice [14].
  3. Fats: Essential for absorbing vitamins, providing energy, and supporting cell growth. It's important to consume healthy fats found in foods like avocados and nuts [14].
  4. Vitamins and Minerals: These micronutrients assist in a myriad of bodily functions from healing wounds to converting food into energy [14].
  5. Water: Critical for digestion, regulating body temperature, and overall cellular function [14].

The Impact of Nutrition on Exercise

Consuming the right nutrients before, during, and after exercise can dramatically enhance performance and recovery. Carbohydrates are essential for maintaining energy during prolonged activities, while proteins support muscle recovery post-exercise [32]. It's also beneficial to hydrate adequately to replace fluids lost through sweat during workouts [33].

Strategic Eating for Fitness

  • Pre-Workout: Eating carbohydrates before exercising for more than an hour can provide sustained energy [32].
  • During Exercise: For activities lasting more than an hour, consuming carbohydrates can prevent fatigue and maintain performance [32].
  • Post-Workout: A combination of carbohydrates and proteins can help replenish energy stores and repair muscles [32].

Nutritional Strategies for Specific Goals

  • Weight Management: Monitoring caloric intake and opting for nutrient-dense foods can help manage weight effectively [31]. It's important to avoid overestimating calorie burn during workouts to prevent consuming more energy than expended [32].
  • Muscle Growth: While protein is essential, a high-protein diet alone does not promote muscle growth without strength training [32]. Most Americans already consume more protein than necessary for muscle development [32].
  • Hydration: Drinking plenty of fluids is essential, not just during and after exercise but also with meals and throughout the day [33].

Advanced Nutritional Tools

Continuous Glucose Monitors (CGMs) can provide real-time feedback on how different foods affect blood sugar levels, allowing for adjustments in diet for better fitness outcomes [27]. This technology is particularly useful for athletes looking to optimize their energy levels and recovery times.

By integrating these nutritional principles into daily routines, individuals can enhance their fitness levels, improve health outcomes, and achieve their physical activity goals more effectively.

Incorporating Strength and Flexibility Training

Starting with Strength Training

Strength training is essential for increasing muscle mass and strength, which can significantly enhance metabolic rate and improve overall physical function and mobility [36]. To begin, it's advisable to start with bodyweight exercises such as squats, lunges, push-ups, and pull-ups, focusing on major muscle groups like legs, hips, back, chest, shoulders, and arms [36]. As you progress, gradually increase resistance by adding weights or using resistance bands [36]. It's crucial to allow for recovery time between sessions to prevent injury and allow muscles to repair and grow [36].

Key Benefits of Strength Training

  • Increased Muscle Mass and Strength: Vital for overall health and improves metabolic rate [36].
  • Improved Bone Density: Strength training helps in maintaining healthy bones, which is crucial as we age [36].
  • Enhanced Metabolic Rate: An increased metabolic rate aids in more efficient calorie burning, which is beneficial for weight management [36].
  • Better Physical Function and Mobility: Strength training enhances mobility and the ability to perform daily activities with ease [36].

Flexibility Training Essentials

Flexibility training is not only about achieving better posture and increased movement freedom but also about reducing the risk of injuries and enhancing muscle function [37][36]. A warm-up period such as light walking, jogging, or biking at low intensity for 5 to 10 minutes is recommended before stretching to prevent injuries [36]. The focus should be on major muscle groups—calves, thighs, hips, lower back, neck, and shoulders—and hold each stretch for about 30 seconds, extending up to 60 seconds for problem areas [36].

Routine for Flexibility Training

  • Warm-Up: Essential to prepare the body for stretching and prevent injuries [36].
  • Major Muscle Groups Focus: Targeting major groups ensures an effective stretching session [36].
  • Hold Stretches: Properly holding stretches for the recommended time improves elasticity and flexibility [36].
  • Sport-Specific Stretches: Incorporate stretches that are specific to the sports or activities you engage in most frequently [36].

The Role of Yoga and Balance Exercises

Incorporating yoga and balance exercises like tai chi can significantly improve flexibility and balance, which are crucial for preventing falls and enhancing performance in various sports and daily activities [17][38]. These practices not only aid in maintaining physical balance but also contribute to mental well-being by reducing stress and enhancing focus.

Comprehensive Benefits of Flexibility Training

  • Improved Range of Motion and Joint Flexibility: Essential for the overall functioning of the body [36].
  • Decreased Risk of Injuries: A flexible body is less prone to injuries, particularly those related to muscles and joints [36].
  • Enhanced Muscle Blood Flow: Better blood flow aids in muscle recovery and reduces soreness [36].
  • Improved Daily Activities Performance: Flexibility training makes everyday activities easier and less tiring [36].

By integrating both strength and flexibility training into your fitness regimen, you can enjoy a balanced approach that enhances both your physical capabilities and your overall health.

Overcoming Common Exercise Challenges

Identifying Time and Scheduling

  1. Monitor Daily Activities: To effectively integrate exercise into your daily life, start by monitoring your daily activities for one week to identify available time slots [41].
  2. Schedule Physical Activity: Use a calendar to schedule physical activity, choosing times in the day or week when you feel most energetic [43][41].
  3. Short Exercise Bursts: If finding large blocks of time is challenging, consider squeezing in exercise throughout the day in shorter spurts [42].

Building Support and Enjoyment

  1. Communicate with Loved Ones: Explain your interest in physical activity to friends and family and ask for their support [41].
  2. Join Exercise Groups: Participate in an exercise group or class, or coordinate physical activities with friends, relatives, neighbors, or coworkers [42].
  3. Find an Active Buddy: Having a regular "active buddy" can significantly enhance your motivation and consistency [43].

Practical Exercise Tips

  1. Start Slow and Build Up: Begin your exercise routine slowly and increase the amount gradually as your confidence and abilities grow [41].
  2. Choose Enjoyable Activities: Select activities you enjoy and vary the routine to keep it interesting [42].
  3. Use Positive Reinforcement: Maintain a positive mindset and use encouraging statements to keep yourself motivated [43].

Skill Development and Resource Utilization

  1. Learn Proper Techniques: Understand how to warm up, cool down, and exercise appropriately considering your age, fitness level, skill level, and health status to prevent injury [41].
  2. Develop New Skills: If interested, take classes to develop new skills that can make exercising more enjoyable and effective [41].
  3. Utilize Community Resources: Identify inexpensive, convenient resources available in your community and develop a set of regular activities that are always available, regardless of weather [41][46].

Incorporating Exercise in Various Settings

  1. Home and Travel Workouts: Utilize home workout options like the AHA’s 10-minute Home Workout or use hotel gyms and swimming pools when traveling [47].
  2. Family Inclusive Activities: Include family in your workouts by using times like practice sessions to walk or run, or by engaging in outdoor activities together [45].

By integrating these strategies, you can overcome common exercise challenges, making your fitness journey more enjoyable and sustainable.

Measuring Your Fitness Progress

Initial Assessments and Goal Setting

To embark on a fitness journey effectively, it's essential to measure your initial fitness level and set clear goals. Start by assessing your pulse rate before and after walking 1 mile, the time it takes to walk or run that mile, how many pushups you can do, and your range of motion in key joints like hips, knees, and shoulders. Also, measure your waist circumference and calculate your body mass index (BMI) [52]. Setting realistic goals based on these measurements, such as improving your mile time or increasing the number of pushups you can perform, provides a solid foundation for your fitness program [48].

Tracking Tools and Techniques

Utilizing various tools can enhance your ability to monitor fitness progress effectively:

  1. Fitness Trackers and Smartwatches: Devices like Fitbit or Apple Watch are excellent for tracking daily steps, heart rate, and overall activity levels [27][50].
  2. Progress Photos: Taking weekly photos under consistent conditions can visually document physical changes, helping to keep motivation high [34][50].
  3. Workout and Nutrition Apps: Apps such as MyFitnessPal, FitNotes, and Jefit offer functionalities for logging workouts and meals, which can help maintain a comprehensive view of your fitness journey [50].
  4. Physical Measurements: Regularly taking body measurements can indicate changes in body composition, like reductions or increases in specific body areas, which scales might not show due to muscle weighing more than fat [49].

Monitoring Health Indicators

Beyond physical appearance and performance metrics, it's crucial to monitor health indicators that reflect your overall fitness and well-being:

  • Blood Pressure: Keeping track of blood pressure is vital, especially when making lifestyle changes to ensure they positively impact your cardiovascular health [34].
  • Waist-to-Hip Ratio (WHR): This ratio is a reliable indicator of overall health and fitness, providing insights into your risk for certain health conditions [34].

Routine Reviews and Adjustments

Every fitness journey requires adjustments and refinements:

  • Check Progress Regularly: Assess your progress every six weeks to determine if your current routine meets your fitness goals or if adjustments are needed [52].
  • Use a Training Diary: Documenting exercises, including the type, duration, and intensity, helps in identifying what works best for your body and schedule [27].
  • Set Performance-Based Goals: Instead of focusing solely on aesthetic goals, setting performance-based goals can lead to more sustainable fitness improvements [35].

By integrating these methods into your fitness routine, you can accurately measure your progress and make informed decisions that enhance your health and fitness journey.

Staying Motivated and Consistent

Building a Supportive Community

Joining a fitness community not only provides motivation and encouragement but also fosters camaraderie, which can make the fitness journey more enjoyable and sustainable [55]. Whether it’s through online platforms or local fitness groups, being part of a community allows individuals to share tips, celebrate successes, and support each other during challenges [51].

Establishing Reward Systems

It's beneficial to set up a reward system to maintain motivation. Rewarding yourself when you reach a fitness goal can create a sense of accomplishment and encourage further progress [18][51]. This could be anything from a small treat to purchasing new workout gear, which can also enhance the exercise experience [18].

Consistent Goal Setting

Setting clear and realistic goals is fundamental to staying motivated. These goals provide direction and purpose, making it easier to stay committed and track progress [28][40]. Regularly updating these goals as you evolve in your fitness journey keeps the challenge fresh and engaging [18].

Integrating Fitness into Lifestyle

Making exercise a natural part of your daily routine can significantly help in maintaining consistency. This could include using physical activity as a reward after a hard day's work or integrating short bursts of exercise into your daily schedule [18][24]. Additionally, mixing up your routine prevents boredom and keeps the training exciting [51].

Psychological Strategies

Focusing on the benefits of exercise, such as improved mood and energy levels, can reinforce the importance of staying active [51]. Additionally, maintaining a positive mindset and being kind to yourself during less productive days helps sustain long-term motivation [51].

Leveraging Technology and Expertise

Utilizing tools like fitness trackers and apps can provide insightful data that helps in setting informed goals and tracking progress [24]. Moreover, seeking professional guidance can tailor your fitness plan to your specific needs, enhancing both effectiveness and motivation [40].

Holistic Approaches to Fitness

Adopting a holistic approach to fitness by incorporating elements like quality sleep, adequate rest, and a balanced diet supports physical health and enhances mental well-being, making it easier to stay motivated [54]. Programs like Transform Your Body offer comprehensive guidance on how to effectively integrate these elements into your lifestyle [48].


Throughout this article, we've underscored the multifaceted benefits of embracing physical fitness, from mitigating chronic diseases to bolstering mental health and cognitive function. Starting a fitness journey may appear daunting at first, but with a myriad of options for exercise routines, nutrition plans, and lifestyle adjustments available, it's more accessible than ever. Highlighting the importance of consistency, whether through strength and flexibility training, aerobic activities, or any form of enjoyable exercise, underscores how fitness is a personal journey tailored to an individual's preferences and lifestyle choices.

In navigating this journey, the role of nutrition cannot be overstated, acting as the foundation upon which physical fitness is built. By leveraging the insights and practical tips provided, individuals are equipped to make informed decisions that not only enhance physical health but also promote overall well-being. As we conclude, remember that the path to fitness requires patience, dedication, and adaptability, but the rewards - improved health, enhanced quality of life, and a sense of achievement - are well worth the effort. Engaging in regular physical activity, informed by this comprehensive guide, can indeed transform your life.


How can you integrate health and fitness into your daily routine?

To make health and fitness part of your lifestyle, follow these tips:

  • Monitor and maintain your weight.
  • Opt for healthy meals and limit the intake of unhealthy foods.
  • Consider taking multivitamin supplements.
  • Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated and minimize sugary drinks.
  • Engage in regular physical activities and exercise.
  • Reduce the amount of time spent sitting and in front of screens.
  • Ensure you get adequate, quality sleep.
  • Consume alcohol in moderation and aim to stay sober.

What are some tips for beginners starting a workout routine?

Beginners should start their workout routines slowly and increase the intensity gradually. Begin with a sufficient warm-up and end with a cool-down period, using activities like walking or gentle stretching. Initially, aim for a workout duration of 5 to 10 minutes, gradually increasing as your stamina improves.

How can you enhance your health through fitness and diet?

To improve your health-related fitness and diet, consider the following strategies:

  • Engage in aerobic activities like walking.
  • Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week.
  • Reduce consumption of junk food.
  • Eat smaller portions.
  • Increase your intake of fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, low-fat dairy, and whole grains.

What is the best way to start exercising if you have been inactive for a long time?

If you've been sedentary for a while, it's important to start exercising at a slow pace with easy activities. Avoid jumping into intense workouts immediately. Walking is a highly recommended activity to begin with, as it is low impact and can be adjusted to your fitness level.


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[2] - https://mana.md/the-importance-of-physical-fitness/
[3] - https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/physical-activity-its-important
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[5] - https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/theresatamkins/how-exercise-can-save-your-life
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[7] - https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/exercise-health-benefits/
[8] - https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/basics/adults/health-benefits-of-physical-activity.html
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[17] - https://www.healthpartners.com/blog/best-exercises-for-health/
[18] - https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/physical-activity-staying-motivated
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[31] - https://www.verywellfit.com/why-you-need-nutrition-and-fitness-3121363
[32] - https://medlineplus.gov/ency/article/002458.htm
[33] - https://health.mo.gov/living/wellness/nutrition/nutritionphysicalactivity/index.php
[34] - https://www.nutrisense.io/blog/how-to-track-your-fitness
[35] - https://www.livestrong.com/slideshow/1011108-11-ways-measure-progress-fitness-journey/
[36] - https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/stretching/art-20047931
[37] - https://www.acefitness.org/resources/everyone/blog/6646/benefits-of-flexibility/
[38] - https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/benefits-of-flexibility-exercises
[39] - https://www.nsca.com/education/articles/kinetic-select/benefits-of-flexibility-training/
[40] - https://www.blenderbottle.com/blogs/health/8-tips-for-staying-motivated-on-your-fitness-journey
[41] - https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/basics/adding-pa/barriers.html
[42] - https://newsnetwork.mayoclinic.org/discussion/how-to-overcome-the-top-5-fitness-barriers/
[43] - https://www.fcm.arizona.edu/sites/default/files/overcomingbarrierstophysicalactivity1120.pdf
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[46] - https://www.heart.org/en/healthy-living/fitness/getting-active/breaking-down-barriers-to-fitness
[47] - https://www.chhs.colostate.edu/krnc/monthly-blog/overcoming-barriers-to-exercise/
[48] - https://www.americansportandfitness.com/blogs/fitness-blog/transform-your-body-insights-from-a-professional-trainer
[49] - https://www.nerdfitness.com/blog/how-to-track-progress/
[50] - https://staminaproducts.com/blog/10-ways-to-track-fitness-progress/
[51] - https://happilyevaafter.com/tips-for-staying-motivated-during-a-fitness-journey/
[52] - https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/fitness/art-20048269
[53] - https://betterhumans.pub/how-ive-reinvented-my-life-through-fitness-c8590502f3e6
[54] - https://medium.com/@amnaaziz933/transform-your-life-an-easy-journey-to-optimal-health-and-fitness-5304b1c76710
[55] - https://www.resultstc.com/transform-your-body-transform-your-life-the-fitness-journey/
[56] - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPo-670m7i8
